it looks SO MUCH better! i am so glad now that we got stitches. he's been so great about changing the band-aid. sweet boy....
30 June 2011
one from last night...
the story of our day...
from the other day...but about how he looks now...
all done... with his birthday cake pop from sbucks...
could not have been happier... but DRENCHED in sweat from fighting...
and a band-aid... and a messy shirt!
i just realized my post from yesterday said "what a day". maybe that should be today's title!!!
our first er visit...
screaming as he was "burritoed" into the papoose...
after... look at his band-aid.
i just took him upstairs and rocked him to sleep. i sat there, watching my sleeping baby, replaying the morning. thinking about all the things that could have been. not in a morbid way, but a thankful way. thinking about the timing and seeing God's hand in it all.
a few weeks ago, i had to take nora to the urgent care, and i knew where to go so our insurance would cover it. (ironically, my mom didn't even know that er/urgent care existed!!!) my mom was literally walking out the door, so she was able to stay and drive me. thirty seconds later and i would have been on my own. i watched the whole thing happen. jamey running towards me, hitting his chin. i knew there would be blood, just a matter of where.
also, my mom was supposed to be gone for the whole day. yesterday, she decided she couldn't go. so, she was home. and we had driven my brother to work this morning, so there was a car home. with both car seats (that doesn't always happen around here!!).
i was wearing a red t-shirt, so blood stains didn't matter. jamey was wearing a stained white shirt. (i know, but it's the little things...)
the bleeding stopped by the time we got to the er. i have a wonderful phone that entertained my children for the two hours while we waited to be seen. and someone put "veggie tales" on youtube, so my kids were so happy! (i did realize i need good suggestions about kids apps on the droid. there are so many great ones for iphones....)
it was only a cut on the chin. there was no concussion, there was no major injury, no broken bones, etc. just a tiny, one inch cut on his chin. four stitches. a matching scar to daddy's. but daddy had gravel in his that they had to dig out. we had no gravel.
i held that baby boy, so thankful that he was alive and well. that he was the happiest kid on the block once they were finished. he thought going into the papoose was so cool. he was laughing, then realized he wasn't able to move or get out. and it took them FOREVER to get set up. then, they covered his face and eyes with the sterile drape. at one time, it sounded like he was gasping for air as the nurse held his chin still. i asked if we could move the drape a bit, and jamey could look at me. then, his screaming took a new turn... "i'm a good boy, mommy. i'm a good boy". oh, break a mother's heart. of course you are a good boy, my sweet angel. you aren't being punished!!! then he almost passed out from crying. but the second they were done, fortuitously, my mom walked in, the hero! he jumped in her arms and was laughing and talking. and, he has a big band-aid on his chin.
for those of you who saw the fb message, thanks for praying! it was comforting to know people were praying for us!!
29 June 2011
what a day...
sweet boy... sang the "rainbow" song so sweetly. and then i got the camera. so, here he is! just being a ham!
a giveaway...
28 June 2011
27 June 2011
summer vacay...
26 June 2011
a fun day...

24 June 2011
3 d movies...
watching cars 2. of course they moved when i snapped the picture!
loving on his dd. until about halfway through the movie. then, there was too much popcorn on the floor, and he just wanted to clean it up.
today was the last day of vbs. and i learned that nora knew her verses every day. the teachers told me how impressed they were. awesome, cause she never "remembers" them when i ask her!!
oh, and my kids woke up at 4:55 this morning. i put the pillow over my head. thankfully, my mom was getting up at 5 anyway to take stef to the airport. so, i got to sleep in. phew... dodged a bullet on that one!
23 June 2011
a princess party...
22 June 2011
not to be outdone...
my sweet boy, singing his song!!!
21 June 2011
fun times...
ice cream last night... kid likes his dairy queen!!!
visiting my dear college roomie, kate! it was so fun to catch up after not seeing each other for a few years. they have a new house, two kids, and so much fun! it was a joy to spend the evening with them in chicago!
my little songstress...
future american idol..
16 June 2011
so last week...