my dd!!! (ps... it's this kid's 21st birthday today! happy birthday dear brother. thanks for loving my kids like i do! you are the best..... i am so thankful for you!!! and your faithful reading of the blog!!!)

the roller coaster!!

driving the boat.
the up and downs!

decided to get all creative and cook the cupcakes in ice cream cones. the kids were not impressed! sad for them...

she told mom-mom that her princesses were "begging" to watch a show. so, she brought them all to mom-mom's bed and lined them up there.
did i mention we went to memphis kiddie park for nora's birthday. we had a great time! james, especially, loved the rides! it was so fun that even he could go on them!!! and had such great friends- libby, titus and graham!!!
it's been a busy and good week. the pool twice (the first day, it rained and i ran to get lunch. in my suit and cover-up. i think i looked a bit ridiculous! some sweet friends have offered us the use of their pool all summer!!! it's so nice to go with NO OTHER kids, and just lounge! we have enjoyed it so far! and they tell us they are happy the pool is getting used!!!
one thing i have realized is that with being home, i want to be up with the action. i have been staying up WAY too late. it's time to go to bed earlier! especially since at least one of my kids is up around 6am every morning. they change who gets up earlier, and the other one usually sleeps in until 8ish. although, it's 9:30 and james is still sleeping!!!
nora has started napping again. it's made her SUCH a pleasant girl! we are having so much fun. and james is really starting to talk! pop-pop and byss are two of his favorite words to say, although dd is his FAVORITE person in the world right now! also, the phone was ringing the other day, and he said "hello". SO CUTE! he had mom-mom's phone is his hand later and it rang, and it freaked him out. he wouldn't look at it and pushed it away! funny boy...
last night was martini night with the girls and we had SO MUCH fun! angelfood cake martinis! and great girls night... i got to meet one of lori's good friends and we bonded over sewing and our love for certain designers!!!
speaking of sewing, i just finished a new project i am OBSESSED with. it's for a friend's wedding this weekend, so i'll post pics after i give the present!!!
Shell - Wrong night to want to go to bed earlier with Aunt Lu coming!
so true... but it will be a fun night! it always is!!! LOVE YOU!!!
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