16 August 2010

bad traffic...

i promise more pictures and more uplifting stories soon. but, first. i met david in dc this weekend for an early anniversary weekend! he wasn't going to come home either way, and there were plenty of baby-sitters here. so, we had a WONDERFUL weekend away!!

i left on friday morning and got to dc about 5 1/2 hours later. i stopped at starbucks, did a little shopping and then got to our hotel and checked in. i met a friend in the lobby and we had a glass of wine. then, david got there. he took me out to dinner, and then we spent the weekend exploring dc! (with one more visit from a friend) it was SO FUN!!! more on that later...

driving home, i was making EXCELLENT time (let's be honest, i'm a presley!). i stopped in youngstown at this great fabric shop, and then chatted a bit about a new sewing machine (i am in the market- my anniversary present from my hubby!!). got back on the highway, thinking i had about an hour left. fifteen minutes from home, traffic came to a standstill... now i know why...


i drove by this and was almost moved to tears just looking at the debris! it was overwhelming just to look at the wreckage (and by this point know that at least two helicopters had landed and taken off...). i spent some time just praying for this accident...

then, i convince dd to come with the kids and me on an errand, at dinner, in rush hour. he did, and we ran into this on the way home:


(sorry, i think you have to copy and paste both!!) i think you can see our car in the second one!!! we were watching them film this as we drove by (okay... dd was, i drove!). a WEIRD traffic day. how often does a highway get SHUT DOWN for stuff like this? then, twice in one day, and i am involved in both??

something that came to mind in all this... i was listening to a book on tape of one of my favorite authors, and a point she kept driving home through the characters was that we don't know how much time we have. we aren't guaranteed tomorrow. it's only the GRACE of God that it's not me today. that i am alive at all. what a blessing. but, the only guarantee for me is that i know where i am going when i die. my eternity is secure. that's the issue that several of the characters were struggling with.

what a good guarantee. do you know what will happen when you die? if not, let's talk.

ps... one more with good coverage... (can you tell i was a little struck by this accident?)


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