another one.
really? there's an office for this? in dc? WHAT are they doing? cause there has been a lot of less than thrift spending! david and i laughed for awhile about this.

he's not as cute as my sailor!
okay, i will upload more when blogger lets me. today we had another great day with friends! and then nora stayed with lori while the kids napped and i took james to a shoe appointment! the good news is, it looks like the shoes here might not cost as much!
on the shoes front... i have four pairs (i think) so far of james' shoes that he's grown out of. most of them are in GREAT condition. this pair is in good condition. because in america, we can't re-give/sell, etc medical equipment, there's really nowhere here to donate them. SO, if anyone knows of somewhere i can give them (probably overseas), let me know! i want to donate them somewhere so someone can use them! his first pair was worn for three months, the other pairs for about that, but just at night. i just hate the thought of throwing good shoes out...
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