22 August 2010

i love...

yesterday, james told me he loved me! i was snuggling him and told him "i love you". he responded (in his apple baby fashion) with "i love". it was so sweet!!!

this morning, i woke up to hear him crying at 5:30am. that's not normal for him. usually nora is the early riser. i let him go at it for a few, because it was off and on. i finally got up and got him, since i REALLY didn't want him to wake up nora (who, surprisingly was SOUND asleep in the same room...)- there was throw-up EVERYWHERE! so, i snuggled my boy and we fell back asleep on dd's chair downstairs!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i miss your kids. and you. hope all is well at home. LOVE YOU BELLA! give the kids hugs and kisses for me!