did i mention that we put him in the pack n play at the beach? it was wonderful. he stayed in it for awhile.

sisters... LOVED having my sister-in-law here for the week!
LOVE this boy!!! look at that face! he could not be a sweeter boy.
this morning, i gave a devotional at Bible study about God being in control. and walked out the door and promptly forgot all i had talked about! i really struggled with it today. it was an interesting day!!! first of all, up at 5am to take sarah to the airport. then, back to get ready for the day. i was supposed to be part of a wives' panel to meet with the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff admiral mullen. so, i had to be dressed in business casual because i wasn't coming back. i've never really done business casual. i worked in scrubs.
went to Bible study, did my devotional, planned to the kids to a friend's house, an hour away, so i could drive 45 minutes back to the meeting. found out there was a childcare drop in center on base that i could take my kids to. much easier than all that driving... on me and the kids. and, it came highly recommended. so, i went for it. james went in just fine and the room looked great. plus, i knew he was tired and would sleep well.
nora was a little hesitant. she asked for jamey to come in her class. and, then we walked in and found out that it was nap time for the kids. remember, my kid doesn't nap. but, she did get up at 5am, so maybe it was okay. but, seeing her eyes, i lost it. at least i waited till i got to the car. i did walk back and check on her. she was doing alright, and the teacher was rubbing her back.
i went to my meeting, only to find out that the plane was late and the meeting wouldn't start for another hour and a half. so, i had had enough. i had been selfish enough for one day. so, i went back to get the kids. and nora had a blast. and jamey slept for a bit. nora even took an hour nap. and, at dinner, nora asked to go to bed. so, they were in bed early tonight. and i'm considering myself!!
i am SO BEYOND THANKFUL that i don't have to do that every day. i couldn't leave my kids. there is nothing i love enough to give them up every day like that. i am so thankful for the blessing of being a stay at home mom. and for my wonderful husband who works so hard so that i can be!!!
however, one more story. nora wanted to carry her bag. she told me it was her suitcase, ready for the "hairport". when we got home, she packed one for me. my suitcase for the "hairport". items in it... books, her shoes, her lovey bunny, jamey's lovey bear, crayons and sadie's leash! i am ready to go!!!
Love you Shell! So good to see all you guys for those couple days. Thanks for everything. Hope things went well with Bear. Much love to D and the kids.
You guys all look great! I can't believe how much your "babies" have grown since we saw you last.
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