well, this is from tuesday... old roommate lindsey and her babies came to visit!!

look at all those kids!!!
wow... a year ago!

my angel baby boy!

he had arrived!!
and now, he's a year old! i didn't forget about his birthday. and, i spent it in the most unusual way! i got to celebrate another birth. a friend called yesterday morning (jamey's birthday) at 5am to say she was in labor. her husband (a navy helo pilot) was out of town for the funeral of a SEAL friend of his who died last week in afghanistan. he was flying home last night. and trying to get on earlier flights. but she was alone!
so, i rushed to the hospital. if you read the last post, you know that courtney was here. with not much to do until hubby came home, so she WONDERFULLY watched my children ALL DAY. they adore her, and had a blast. courtney took great care of them. david came home and made dinner, and put them to bed. i got to be there with a friend (who's husband made it in time for baby!!!) and get to see a wonderful birth.
as for my baby... how can he be a year old? it was so sad to miss his first birthday (but we do have a party tomorrow), and just unbelievable that he's a WHOLE. YEAR. OLD.!! the last year went so fast. he grew up too fast. i love his demeanor. i love his smile. i love the way he waves. i love how his whole body wiggles when he is so excited. i love how he loves his dad (and currently prefers daddy to mommy). i love his crab crawl, hands and feet. i love his cute little bum, cheeks, smile, eyes, thighs. i love him. and his age. he's so EASY!! and easy-going!
on a different note, larissa delivered at the naval medical center (where i used to work). when i walked in, everyone asked why i didn't bring the kids. REALLY? at 6am, to help a laboring friend? REALLY? cause i wanted two kids in the room for that.
the next, and most common, question was what was i doing- why wasn't i working there, etc? i am JUST a mom. a stay-at-home mom. and I LOVE IT, i told them, constantly! they can't pay me enough, most days, to give up what i have! it was so sad, that in so many eyes, i wasn't living up to somebody's expectation of what a woman should be. that i wasn't using my degree (although i certainly worked hard yesterday... harder than larissa's nurse!!! at least in larissa's room...) the way i should be.
it was sad to reflect on as i drove home. i LOVE my life and wouldn't change it. i really enjoyed being back there and "working" hard for larissa. there was a tiny part of me that missed what i did. but, then i look at my kids and even if i'm tired or cranky or bored sometimes, i wouldn't want anyone else raising them. i wouldn't want the hassle and stress of making sure they were cared for every time i had to work. i love that nora and i get to snuggle in bed in the mornings. that i get to rock jamey when he gets up. that my kids get to do fun things with me like go to homecomings.
it makes me so sad that there is such a push, even politically, for moms to work and finish education (now don't misunderstand... nothing wrong with education) while their kids are young. maybe it won't guarantee that my kids will grow up to be well-adjusted and perfect, but it goes a hell of a long way in the right direction. it doesn't matter if we've had pb and j three days in a row, because i am not on a creative streak, or fun time consists of a show while mommy blogs.
their opinions yesterday only made me happier in my decision. i am so GRATEFUL that i don't have to work. that david COMPLETELY loves and supports that i stay home. and that i choose to. that i am here when there is a boo-boo. while it was wonderful to be there yesterday, i wouldn't want to do it everyday, and am so glad i don't!
and tonight, we will have a family birthday party for jamey. pics tomorrow!