he was watching the tv. the tv is at the very edge of the picture. no matter how many times i moved him back, he moved RIGHT back there.

his daddy left. he was sad and sat at the door.
i have to find the picture, but this is DAVID HAILE. it's scary!!!
and, he loved snuggling with his daddy!!!
today was a successful day. jamey drank out of a sippy cup AND ate a whole meal by himself! i just cut it up and gave it to him. it consisted of dried pears, black beans, FISH and GREEN BEANS!!! what a good boy! i am so stoked.
however, he also LOVES sharing his food with sadie. he realized how fun it is and that sadie pays much more attention that way. spoiled dog! silly boy.
LOVE the Ariel bathing suit!!
i am so jealous for two reasons: 1. you were at the beach! oh my gosh, i am so sick of winter here. and 2. your baby will eat finger food. anders is SO picky. not so much a problem with isaac, so i don't know what to do!
sorry i forgot to call you back yesterday. i'll try today. i miss you!
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