19 February 2010


i keep thinking i post, then i don't! i guess missing three days isn't that bad in the scheme of things! i will keep trying!!

anyway, we have been struggling with nap times. nora has traditionally been a FABULOUS sleeper. she loves going to sleep. after our transition to a big girl bed, she realized she could just play. that was fine. she would usually fall asleep in the weirdest positions! but, she slept. then, she realized she could kick the door and cause an uproar. discipline and bargaining didn't seem to stop this. and, it would wake up jamey. then, she realized she could open the door. this started the locking phase. but, she still napped. (and kicked the door) then, she was getting better about being potty trained and didn't like messy pull-ups. so, that would upset her during her "nap".

now, she just doesn't really nap. maybe once or twice a week. i would really like the "quiet time", and she knows she can play, read, etc. in her room. doesn't help. if the lock is on, she kicks and screams. and i go in there every five minutes to stop it. and jamey doesn't nap. if the lock is off, she just comes out... "i forgot", "change me"... i tried no pull up at quiet time, but that ends in a lot of messes! (sometimes, i think, just to punish me)

so now, i am just torn. do i force the issue and make her "quiet time"? because it comes down to an issue of obedience. can she stay where i ask her to stay for the time i ask her to stay there. the other thing i have to remember is that there is SO MUCH she does right. if i let it, this issue can be SO FRUSTRATING for me. and i have to remember it's only been a few weeks that we have been struggling like this. this too shall pass... right, mom?

i am just venting and thinking and ... i don't know. she's growing into such a big girl! how did that happen? seriously, i think she's worn my heels EVERY DAY this week, unless i make her take them off to go somewhere. that's where i draw the line, public!

if anyone has great suggestions, i'd take them. otherwise, thanks for listening!

james, by the way, is cruising a bit more, loving his sippy cup, saying daddy ALL THE TIME. not mommy. EVER. can sign "more". has a new attachment to a lovey-bear. it's cute! and not as attached to the pacifier. although i keep shoving it in, because he will shove in anything else! he loves to sleep! he still gets up about once a night, but only nurses 3-4 times a day. last night, he got up at 11pm to eat. i got him up out of bed this morning, and nora had a show on. he had no interest in nursing. just wants to watch the show. i set him as far away from it as i could, and he's now moved to within a few feet (not as close as the other day!). he's such a flirt and a snugglebug. he loves to just snuggle when he's tired. i love to hold him. i know a day is coming, VERY SOON, when my little man won't want that quite so much. yesterday, he fell asleep on my lap while we were at lunch. still, his sister can CRACK. HIM. UP.!!! he loves her. and wants to be like her.

oh, and he LOVES his bath. he threw the biggest temper tantrum yesterday, red-faced, screaming so he couldn't breath, for the several minutes it took to clean up his poopy diaper. he was so mad, because his sister was in the bath, and he couldn't be in it for two more minutes. he LOVES his bath. arches his back when he has to get out.

and, he keeps reaching to use the spoon. he loves to play with it. he loves to chat on the computer. he wants to reach in and grab them! he pushes himself up on all fours (meaning hands and feet), trying so hard to stand from sitting.

the end. for today.

1 comment:

CNB said...

You are a great mommy. Yes, this too shall pass. Hang in there!