my sweet girl! loving her good friend (i tried to get a picture where nora wasn't taking up the WHOLE picture, but...)

"mom... really?"
eating his first (gluten-free) waffle! he LOVED it! (in case you didn't know, i'm a little particular about food...)

he's not as in to the cupeez as his sister was (or is... as i still find her SEVERAL times a day, hiding, with his in her mouth!!!)

am i missing something?
nope, rocking out here, all by myself. and my cute, spiky hair!
so, nora has a princess skirt. it's white and sparkly. yesterday, she wanted to wear it with her pink princess shirt (the one she wore at disneyland), because all the princesses loved it. so, we did. complete with leggings and her ADORABLE pink high top converse (thanks awesome aunties!!). and, we had our first accident in FOREVER. in the ONE THING she owns that is HAND WASH ONLY! awesome. but, at least it already had pb and j on it. it needed cleaned! so, it got hand washed today, and hung up to dry with the diapers. when i got it down, she clutched it so tightly and just walked around the yard saying, "oh, i love this skirt".
james, meanwhile is pulling up to standing ALL THE TIME. he's really good at it. he also kind of rocks and thinks he wants to move his feet. it won't be long! he is such a sweet, good boy. so easy going. and LOVES to eat the rocks in the backyard, and sadie's food. he loves laughing at his sister. she can almost always make him laugh. and he has the best little laugh.
nora has an obsession with band-aids. take out stock now, because i fear we will continue to go through them like candy. tonight, we were getting ready for bed. nora prayed, "dear Jesus, thank you SO MUCH for disneyland and mom-mom and getting to see the princesses and the dumbo ride..." it went on and on. as i was tucking her in, she hurt her finger. so, we started talking about disneyland (hoping for distraction and saving a band-aid on my part). all the princesses she saw, all the rides. (her memory of it and the rides is AMAZING. AMAZING.) after several minutes, she still wanted that band-aid. so, i went to get it, but reminded her of what daddy said the other night about boo-boos. "boo-boo, i'm not afraid of you... bahhh". she said that while i got the band-aid. i kissed her good-night and walked out. and for the next five minutes, all i could hear was "boo-boo, i'm not afraid of you.... bahhhh".
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