13 October 2009

hands and knees...

a self portrait in a new hat. thought you'd like it!

my sweet baby boy. sitting up in the wagon.

sitting in amber's wagon... she wasn't so excited about it! he was... he tried to take off her clothes!

you guessed it... driving a car!!!

now for the slide. notice the miami shirt!

my family at the park! so much fun.

james hung out in the swing forever! he seemed to enjoy it!

waiting for us to be ready to go to the park...

trying new foods.. this is butternut squash. he's not a fan.

making his big sister laugh and laugh...

the cutest boy on earth!! i love him!!

so, lots of jamey today. he gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth, back and forth! it's so sweet. the fact that he isn't crawling yet isn't stopping him from covering a lot of ground, rolling!

and, we had a LONG and PAINFUL visit to the doctor's office, in which we never got seen in over TWO HOURS! but, jamey was so sweet and happy the whole time!!!

a busy weekend... but so much fun! i love federal holidays! it's so much fun to have david home on a random day! we had a great time. the girls, their fams and i walked the water tower hill again yesterday. so good to be doing that again! (last time, it was over 100*... at least now, it's about 70*) we are all bundled up and it's 70*. sweaters, hats... it's cold here! i am loving it!

one side note. i love to blog. i also love to scrapbook. over the weekend, i became a creative memories consultant. if you like to scrapbook and are interested in info on the products, let me know! i love them and would love to share them. however, i won't be pressuring you into buying anything!! no worries... i'm doing it to support my habit!! or, you can go to my site... www.mycmsite.com/michellehaile. that's all i'll say for now.


Unknown said...

i don't like the self portrait in the new hat...I FREAKING LOVE IT!!!!!!

Unknown said...

love the vids and pics today- looks like family day at the park was a blast! wish i could've been there. I can't believe your kids just keep getting cuter, shell and dave- most people grow out of the cute stage, but nora and james are two of a kind.

Unknown said...

i forgot to mention that i LOVE the miami T!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I can't believe how much that little boy looks like his uncle Dave!! especially the one on his tummy with the Browns shorts! what a cutie!!!