09 October 2009

for all the fans...

daddy is taking nora to "princesses on ice" tomorrow (did i mention that already?). anyway, he came home from work yesterday with pictures of all the different princesses, so she could practice. then, he showed her a video. not sure who is more excited!

sweet boy at the dinner table.

this morning... just hanging out!

pretty much how he looks all the time! so happy... and easy-going.

i think they are hazel. his eyes, that is. it totally depends on what color he is wearing. not deep brown, like his daddy's, but not blue, either.

baby burrito after bath time.

it was too cute to pass up!!!

sitting up in the bath!! he loved playing!

multitasking. helping me make cookies AND talking on the phone (for real this time..)

she was such a good stirrer. but, she told me... "i want the chocolate chips in my mouth, and chew them all up!". hmm... wonder where she gets that?

loving the heck out of her dog!

waiting for daddy to get home, and to prove that she's excited, she put on her princess dress (yes, there are many in this house!!)

in addition to naming all of the princesses, she can also say two Bible verses. i will post those soon! she is loving going potty "all by myself" (meaning she goes in, goes, wipes and flushes the toilet). kinda of freeing for me! anyway... she is in there right now, "brushing her teeth". i should go check on that, and save our water bill from her!!!

1 comment:

Steph said...

is it normal that i am obsessed with your kids?