10 October 2009

dear nora...

fun with the cheese!!

we had a bonfire last night. we haven't done that really since the night before our wedding!

it was SO MUCH fun!!!

while we were waiting for friends to come, i got to see God paint the sky! it was INCREDIBLE!!
today was princesses... here's my memories of it! while daddy and nora were there, jamey and i got to clean the condo and wait while the carpets were cleaned. YEAH for a renter!!!

dear nora. i am not sure if you will remember today. but i will. forever. today, you and daddy had a date. you went to princesses on ice. all week, that is what you talked about. in fact, when i told you we were going to bible study on thursday, you thought i was taking you there instead of princesses, and that made you sad (of course, you were excited to go once you realized you weren't missing princesses). you might not remember that you were a little antsy and left early, or that you got chick-fil-a for lunch (daddy's favorite) or the songs that were sung or who was actually there. maybe you will.

but, here's what i'll remember. waking up that morning, you were so excited. we all piled into mommy and daddy's bed. then, you and daddy almost forgot about breakfast because you were snuggled up on the couch watching music videos online. and the memory that makes me cry when i think of it... hearing a song that brings me to tears every time. "cinderella" by steven curtis chapman. you and daddy were watching it and daddy was snuggling you. do you remember how he just held you? you were a little antsy to get down. you didn't understand the song was about how little girls grow up too fast.

will you remember how excited daddy was to take you? how his friends made fun of him, but he couldn't wait. he was so excited to get to do this with you. to spend time with his little princess. will you remember how tired you were when you came home and you were almost limp in daddy's arms? just snuggled up to the daddy you love so much? i will. and i will help remind you! because you have such a good daddy!

"cinderella" by steven curtis chapman
She spins and she sways
To whatever song plays
Without a care in the world
And I'm sitting here wearing
The weight of the world on my shoulders

It's been a long day
And there's still work to do
She's pulling at me
Saying "Dad, I need you

There's a ball at the castle
And I've been invited
And I need to practice my dancing
Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone...

She says he's a nice guy and I'd be impressed
She wants to know if I approve of the dress
She says, "Dad, the prom is just one week away
And I need to practice my dancing
Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone

She will be gone

Well, she came home today with a ring on her hand
Just glowing and telling us all they had planned
She says, "Dad, the wedding's still six months away
But I need to practice my dancing
Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone


Jeanne said...

I heard this song the other day and it made me cry...we are a lot closer to the "growing up too fast" part! but it's all for good and for love.

hugs to all the Hailes...and so glad you got a bonfire on the beach..that was such a fun night before your wedding.

Kristin Presley said...

Nora is so lucky to have you for her mother and David for her father!

Unknown said...

well that is a post that will bring tears to anyone's eyes. so sweet that they were both so excited to see the princesses!!!! and the pics of nora on the counter? she looks so grown up!!! yikes- what a doll with that little pony tail. and don't get me started on james...how is he so content? wow. great kids. cute kids. i miss the kids. and you too shell and dave. you guys rock!

Unknown said...

I don't think I've ever been more proud of my big bro. (and that's big.)
Love you all so much!!!!