01 October 2009

the end....

my little boy... a few days old.

and today... NO MORE CASTS!!! (ever.)

you don't even want to know how long his toenails are!!

in the middle of that fold, you can see one tiny stitch. that's all there was!!!

waiting to be fitted for his new $95 shoes!!! (when i get fitted for shoes like that... or think about it, cause i don't get shoes like that very often... i am in nordstrom. this was a little different!)

"talking on the phone" to mom-mom while she waited.

sitting up, almost! he can almost do it without the casts on!!

cheese... entertainment in the doctor's office. the shoe guy forgot about us, so they had to call him over from his office, which took about an hour! awesome. and so not nordstrom! but, we got the shoes and the kids were good!!!

at home... after baths!!! (james needed one!) she was jealous that james was getting all the "cheese".

didn't stop her from snuggling and playing with him. i was making myself lunch, and i could hear them both laughing so hard! it was so fun.

i come in to see this... my BIG boy!! and no casts on his legs, playing with his sister. could make you cry! (he had a hard time putting his feet down... they stayed mostly bent up like with casts on!)

don't let this face fool you... he's not a fan of the new shoes. pretty sure he screamed harder and louder than he ever has! could break a mom's heart.

but, he only has to wear the shoes for 18 hours a day!!! that's so awesome!

so, this morning, we had Bible study right after james' appointment. so, i was making nora breakfast and lunch and getting ready to get out the door. i quickly handed her breakfast and went back to making mine and her lunch. all of a sudden, i hear her saying "thank-you dear Jesus for all the oatmeal on my tray". what a blessing!!

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