a saturday morning... you can't really see her, but sadie is also in the chair!
nora yesterday... she had an accident on the couch, so i was cleaning the cushion. and, hadn't put on clothes yet. but she looked so cute!
james. yes, those are leggings. yes, they are for boys. and they are to keep his legs warm. and no, i don't take him out in public like that!

don't mind the videographer. we just were having fun!! james felt fine yesterday, but has a fever again today. poor buddy. we slept together last night, because he couldn't sleep in his crib. nora and i, meanwhile, have cabin fever. yesterday, we went out for a bit. i wanted to go to the store, but realized my two crabby children wouldn't make it. so, we went for a drive. on the way home, james coughed a bit, then threw up (i could see it in the mirror). i thought, hmm... weird. but, he's got a lot of phlem, and could be that. nora has done that before. then, he did it again, and i could see a sticker in the throw up. my heart about stopped. i am not quite sure it's beating normally yet.
nora just disobeyed, and got disciplined. i turned to finish doing something for her, and i hear her saying "i'm sorry. i forgive you". bless her heart! she gets it!!
nora has been telling jamey, every time he cries, that "it's okay, daddy will be home soon". regardless of the fact that david is out of town. or that it's 9am. and what's up with that... mommy's not good enough? daddy's coming home to rescue them? seriously! but, seriously, it's been so cute how she is trying to comfort him. she loves to kiss him and gives him toys and wants to play with him. all this when she's not trying to steal his toys or jealous of him. but, it's cute.
i was talking to a friend today who really only knows me before i met david and has only met him once. i can't even remember what i said, but he said "it sounds like you married a good man". it struck me how incredibly true that was. it's so easy to forget that, or talk about the annoying stuff, and not mention how madly in love with him i am, or how awesome of a dad he is to my kids (or my friend's kids... who all adore david because he plays with them), or what a fun guy he is or how well he takes care of us and i never have to worry about a thing! he fixes my parking tickets (mostly because it's not my fault!!!), cooks and does dishes regularly!
i married a good one. i think so often, husbands or dads are portrayed as doofs. i was just watching a show the other night and the dad was so pathetic. that just hasn't been my experience... with my dad or my husband! i am so thankful for the men in my life. and i did... marry a good one! and, he's on his way home!! hooray!