17 June 2013

wearing them out...

we got to see a few new cousins!

they didn't all want to cooperate at the same time!

chris LOVED seeing the dog!!

and playing doctor!

sweet boy...  worn out!

more friends...

sweet boy... also tired!

loving this...

we wore those kids out at home.  and they have been sleeping so much this week.  it's been sweet...  we are readjusted to "our time" and enjoying being back home...

david went in to tuck all the kids in bed last night, when we were going to bed.  he found chris sitting up in his bed.  not sure for how long.  never made a peep.  it was so cute!

nora has been shadowing me.  it's been really fun.  and cute.  she's been brushing her teeth in the morning with me, and will come in asking if i had done it yet.  sometimes i have, but it's so precious, but i have to do it again.  it makes her so happy!  she puts on deodorant, and will put on jewelry, an outfit like mine, to match.  i love her!!!

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