14 June 2013

sleepy... and besties!

getting on our second flight.  it was a prop plane.  and nora ended up sitting next to me.  at one point, she wanted to know why i was grabbing her leg so hard.  she thought it was fun that the plane was bouncing around in the sky!  i was trying to be the brave adult and not let her see my terror!

baby boy...

this kid PASSED out.  he was sleeping sitting up, and chris was sleeping on me, so i couldn't get over to put him down.  this sweet teenager in front of me, on his way home from a missions trip, pulled him to laying position when asked.  but it terrified james!  hadn't thought about him waking up to a strange person pulling at him!  thankfully he fell back asleep...

silly girl...  

how we were greeted.  is there anything better?  (the kids were super stoked about their gluten free chicken nugs, and me about the lemonade!!

check out both super men!

he thought the lemonade was pretty decent, too!  check out how travel weary he looks!

long lost best friends for life no matter what!

my brother...

new friends... checking each other out!

old friends.  

and we got to go see this play, "i never saw another butterfly again".  it was about the holocaust.  and amazing!  then, this lady, a holocaust survivor, stood up and talked.  she was precious.  and amazing!  there were 5000 people that lived in her town.  4998 were Jewish.  two were Christians.  (cause the postal workers couldn't be Jewish.)  out of the 5000 people in her town, i think she said 33 people survived.  thirty three.  her family was the one that survived most in tact, only losing one brother.  they hid in the woods for 2 years.  oh.  my.  goodness!  

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