04 February 2013


waikiki... we went on a date last weekend and hit downtown as the sun was setting.  the pic doesn't do it justice.  it was so pretty!

new construction paper... it bothers me that the construction paper makers don't organize it by color...

mmm... dinner!!!  green smoothies.  all gone!  the kids fight over them now!  i love it!

command pt.  love this!

chest bumps among friends!  at a jamba juice date!

sleepy baby at target.  i love it!

honesty...  that's six.  SIX.  6.  loads of laundry.  i have decided to just wash things all week and let the clean stuff pile up.  then, once a week i will fold it and put it away...  makes me feel better.  at least my craziness has a plan!!!

i struggled last week.  chalk it up to hormones...  you know, hormones!  and being done nursing.  and being a mother of three.  and my hubby being back at work (his leave was so fun!).  or just insanity.  but i really struggled.  feeling like i didn't measure up.  that i wasn't successful.  

and before you start.  i KNOW that's not true.  my success just isn't measured in a paycheck.  or promotion.  and it was super fun to see God continue to put people in my path who totally made my day.  a compliment about me.  three new sewing orders!  (that i wasn't even advertising!!!)  

and i stopped listening to the lies in my head.  and started listening to God.  who has plans for me.  and who fearfully and wonderfully made me.  and i am convinced it's His plan that i stay home with my kids.  and i truly love it!

i remember a few years ago, a friend said she would go mow her lawn.  cause no one could mess it up. or make it grow faster.  or take that away from her!  i didn't understand.  but totally do now!  and, wonderfully, have the most amazing husband who is insanely supportive.  and understands that sometimes i am just a little insecure!

so, thankfully, this week is starting out much better.  i am getting started on those sewing projects.  and cleaning my house!  and insanely thankful for my sweet children.  

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