04 October 2012

what we wore wednesday...

a pink wig...

and an old lilly shirt... and (wait for it...)  pre-preggers jeans!  (a little tight, but they were on!)

girls night was wig night...  so there you have it!

after face painting at school... j wanted to try it on!

and nora loved it...

nora got a new dress this weekend.  she loved it so much she wore it saturday, and again on sunday (i washed it first!)

she also got a hand me down from friends... it's red and stretchy and sparkly!!  she also loves this one!

kids went to a party with a photo booth a few weeks ago...

it's sad that they have no idea who these characters were!!

the kids and i said "see you soon" to a good hawaii friend tonight.  she is moving away and we were all quite sad.  (kids cried FOREVER!)  and whenever people leave/move since daddy deployed, it always turns into a "why does everyone leave... i miss everyone" moment.  or hour.  

so, in desperation, i sent an email to my hubby.  who hasn't "talked" to the kids in awhile.  and asked if he had 2 minutes (which i KNEW he didn't have today... he's CRAZY busy and backed up this week) to say "i love you" to his girl.  and he did.  he called and talked to her for a few minutes. 

i want to cry as i write this, because she doesn't totally understand the sacrifice he made to call her.  but i do.  and i know how much it meant to her that he called.  she was a different child the rest of the night.  there were no more tears (and there had been tears for 4+hours).  she was a happy girl.  she needed her daddy.  

and i get it.  their world is upside down right now.  daddy is gone and a whole host of visitors have been in and out of their lives this summer.  and a HUGE constant in their lives is moving.  and they are just beginning to grasp that.  

and it's hard.  we can't just pick up a phone and call daddy.  we get a phone call when it works for him. and it's usually when the kids are in school or bed, and it's usually 10 minutes, and there are crazy delays in the call, so it's frustrating for an adult, let alone a 3 or 5 year old who doesn't understand the delays.  they just want their daddy.

and today, when they needed him, he was there.  i know he worries about being an "absentee dad" because of his job.  but it's times like this that i KNOW he won't be.  (and i also know that WAY TOO soon, my kids will be able to use email and email him all by themselves!!  i won't have to read daddy's words to them!)

1 comment:

Laura said...

What a blessing David is as an incredible Naval officer, father, and husband! =)