29 October 2012

some beach...

out on the leeward side...

her intense face about something...

sweet thing, running to the water!

boxing out her brother...  she might be a baller yet!

we love "ko".  as jamey calls it!

love her faces!

you can't keep this kid out of the water now.  he is a FISH!!!  it's so fun to watch (but, i still don't trust him in the water yet!!).

writing letters in the sand.  

dinner on the beach.  


my little fish...

love it!

the keiki!

the sun started to go down!

it was so much fun to watch the sun set...


the kids kept questioning why we had to go after the sun had set... it was so dark!  they wanted to keep playing!

new friends....

good night...

we met some new friends.  the daddy grew up in the same town as our daddy.  a mutual friend introduced us.  both daddys are currently deployed.  and the moms and kids had a blast!  so fun to meet more midwesterners!

i fell off the face of the earth.  sorry bout that.  i promise, david has been getting photos.  i have been busy.  we had a busy weekend.  some exciting friend goings-on on friday night, finished with a sleepover.  then a birthday party and the beach for dinner and a sunset on saturday.  it was a gorgeous sunset.  and met a very fun new friend!  

i had just put the kids down and was about to clean up my house from a busy week and weekend.  and anticipating guests on sunday night.  (a high school friend and his wife- i introduced them a while ago!!!  super excited to have them come for a night!)  when, i got a text.  that there was a tsunami warning.

i had to check again to make sure that i wasn't in an evacuation zone.  david always tells me we will be fine, but he wasn't here!  we were safe.  so, i texted our friends who live on the beach on the north shore.  i asked if they had to leave, and mentioned they could come here!  (totally meaning it, but not really thinking they would take me up on it!!!)  i got my wish.  i got five houseguest evacuees.  and it was such an answer to a prayer i hadn't prayed yet.  

i got busy tidying up and getting rooms ready for them.  i didn't have time to worry.  at one point, when i stopped to think, i realized how AWESOME it was that i would have someone else in my house.  there would be another (three) adults to experience this with.  and that made it so much less anxiety ridden! 

so, my guests came.  and they put their kids down.  and we popped popcorn.  and poured wine.  and hunkered down to watch the news.  there were some surges in the water, but no real damage!  (the water came up to our guests' grass, but didn't do any damage!)  we got up this morning and football was turned on (i had forgotten what it was like to have football on the tv!  it was kind of fun!).  and we had red velvet pancakes.  and my house was full.  it was REALLY fun!!!  

today, we had church.  and my friends came to visit.  it was so fun to catch up with them.  and to just hang out.  to be with people who have known me half my life!  to experience hawaii through their eyes!  to remember that i live in paradise!  

at church today, we sang this song...

my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness
i dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name

on Christ the solid rock i stand
all other ground is sinking sand

when darkness veils His lovely face i rest on His unchanging grace
in every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within His veil

His oath, His covenant, His blood supports me in the whelming flood
when all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.

i am SURE they chose the songs for church this week well in advance of last night.  i am SURE the bulletins were even printed BEFORE last night.  and i just marveled at God's timing and sense of humor.  and His POWER.  and complete AWESOMENESS.  He knew we would sing that song not 12 hours after a tsunami was predicted to hit.  so, the power of the waves and nature was fresh on our minds.  and He controls that all!  

and such a good reminder that when i am anchored in HIM, nothing can move me.  

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