16 October 2012


all smiles the other day.  we were having a movie afternoon...

snuggling.  nora had had a rough day after school.  her homework was frustrating her and she was afraid she was going to get in trouble because it wasn't perfect.  it was so sad to watch....  (and know that the teacher wasn't going to even notice!!!)

jamey at gymnastics.  he does it all by himself!!!

my sweet baby... in a friends' arms.  i love watching him sleep!

he looks so big!!

one of the prizes she won at school...  (she was the ONLY one to win the "big" prizes!!!)

and me...

my little stud.  he loves hamming it up with these...

a note she brought home from school yesterday!!

i have been doing a lot of sewing!  it's been fun.  i am making bedding for a certain niece i am anticipating soon, and some other orders that i have.  it's been fun to really dive back in to sewing again!!!

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