27 May 2011

new dresses...

so, i bought this fabric the other day... it cost $16.04. and i got two dresses out of it! aren't they fun?? i had "sewing club" with my girlfriends last night, and my sweet friend louisa serged them for me. it took less than 5 minutes, to measure, cut and serge! it was SO COOL! and, i loved my sewing club girls! it was so nice to have some fun girl time!

so, the other night, tornadoes struck again, just after i put the kid down! i could really use the alarms going off about 5 minutes earlier! that would be super helpful! thankfully, no tornadoes, just crazy rain and hail! in fact, i might have to use an arc to get around from now on... speaking of transportation, my bro and i are sharing a car this summer... it's been fun! (actually worked out well so far) ours is on a boat to our new home!

and, speaking of new home... we found out yesterday that we are #2 on the wait list!! who hoo!!! so, come visit!! my kids are also loving sleeping in the same bedroom, so i am foreseeing a sewing room for me! at least for a little while.

david's birthday was yesterday. our sweet friends, the b's, took him out to duke's for dinner. i LOVE duke's. i am a little jealous! okay, a lot! plus, they have the beach. i love my 30 year old husband!

1 comment:

CNB said...

LOVE the dresses! So cute!