it was a GORGEOUS day! we went out side for a minute and ended up spending over an hour outside playing this afternoon. it was like 70* and sunny! and, because it was the "golden hour", i got some great shots of the fam!!
snuggling on the grass
daddy and his two babies!!! (and a dog...)
tummy time today!!! watching the browns game...
not sure that david could have been more proud!!
btw... james is doing awesome! doesn't seem to be in pain at all!
a wonderful, poolside picnic
nora loved the poolside sandbox!!
we spent saturday with lu and jeanie. so many of my fun memories involve them! so glad the same will be true of my kids!

kissing aunt lu's boo-boo. she was so concerned about aunt lu!
dancing with aunt lu... going to a "party" at the pool!
mom-mom bought nora a new house on friday. nora loved it!!
sweet, sleeping baby girl!
a few vids... nora singing (she loves to sing the "night-night" song to james! it's precious!!... and her new house! quite the little hostess! and finally, swimming this weekend. something just kicked in and she was awesome! on her own to and from the stairs/wall and me. she would go up to the top of the stairs everytime and turn to lu, jeanie and mom-mom and say "yeah, i did it!". it was too cute. but, she was so brave and really got the concept of swimming! i couldn't have been more proud. i was so worried about her not being in swimming lessons this summer... guess we didn't need them!!
well lots to comment on today...
1. her swimming skills are spectacular. that must be a haile thing cuz none of us can swim as well as nora now can.
2. i think we know how she is related to mom, she wouldn't let the dog inside. she was prolly concerned about the shedding.
3. the snuggling pic is ridiculously cute. more so than normal. it makes the top ten list of pics for sure.
4. i'm bitter that i wasn't there for the picnic. that looked so great. aunt lu and aunt jeanie are the best!
5. those pics of james are so great to! I love how in the one he and dave have the same look on their face. good stuff.
6. shell, you take good pics and vids. i love how i can see the kids personalities through them, but it makes me sad cuz i miss them.
7. "the weekend" was a quality post.
thank you... you made my night!! i look so forward to comments!!
and, thank you very much, but i am a decent swimmer...
i loved the itemized comments... i love you so stinking much!
8. i forgot to mention, look at the one where nora is sleeping. it looks exactly like steph when she sleeps. hilarious.
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