21 September 2009


simply because this cracked us up last night...

not even sure she realized her paw was on the remote.

nora's new favorite thing (have i mentioned this???) is driving my car. she will play with my earpiece, pull down the visor and open the mirror, turn on the lights, "turn on" the music.

she LOVES to close the door to the car. this is a new reward for obedience when we are out. she can "drive" when we get home.
(for those of you worried... i take my keys when i get out!!)

this picture is after the one on her tummy... she looked up and said "take a cheese"

after snuggling with her brother...

she wanted to lay next to her brother and snuggle.

naptime today... she wasn't a huge fan of going to sleep, but i closed the door and heard her playing. this is how i found her a few minutes later...

some quotes i have been a fan of recently...

while throwing a temper tantrum... several times this week... "but i'm crying mom". me- "yes, i can see that. now, let's talk about this when you are done crying"

sunday morning... "you get to go to sunday school this morning!!" her- "no, i think i'll stay home". umm... no!

"one day... i am going to drive and drive and drive the car-car. then i go goodbye."

while ichatting with my mom, my mom asked for nora to sing her the goodnight song so my mom could go to bed. nora said "no, you're too big. so sorry".

so, today i noticed that james' toes seemed to be in a different place in his casts. that could mean that his feet are moving up and wouldn't heal right. so, i decided to go in and have the doctor check it out (and possibly recast him). then, i realized that my double stroller was in david's car. and i would have both kids, because it was last minute.

i asked to borrow my neighbor's stroller, but we never connected. i decided it was okay, because the double might be awkward in the cast room. i would put james in the umbrella stroller and let nora walk.

so, got the kids up from their naps, got all ready to go, and fulfilled my promise that i would paint nora's toes when she got up. i figured this would be great... paint them and let them dry in the car. i grabbed everything to go, and about 15 minutes into our drive, realized that i didn't have nora's shoes (she wasn't wearing them because her toes were wet...)

bummer... i told her and she said "just go grab them real quick mommy". umm... yeah, i'd like to! so, she was in the stroller and i carried jamey. sweet boy got a new cast on his right leg. then, i let jamey ride in the stroller while carrying nora. she was an angel at the hospital... i was so proud! but, it must have been a sight (in fact, one sweet lady asked if she could help!)


Unknown said...

I sure hope she's learning on automatic and not standard... I've heard that stick can be TRAUMATIC for beginners... good thing you've got a while 'til she can reach the pedals :)


Michelle said...

ha ha... thanks so much!!

Unknown said...

I love that nora loves james-it is so cute!
The one of nora and sadie is a good one too. the best tho, is the one of nora sleeping in that terribly uncomfortable looking position. girl after my own heart- can fall asleep anywhere. i literally laughed out loud when i saw it.

my new favorite part of the blog is the quotes. LOVE EM!! so hilarious, especially the one about mom haha