18 September 2009

new favorites...

we got home from working out today, and nora said "i really want to watch roar bean show (madagascar)". i said "maybe later". she said "i REALLY REALLY want to watch roar bean show". she won. it was too cute to say no to.

i am starting to love the unprompted "i love you" she says. or, when jamey is crying, how she will go over to him and say "it's okay baby james. mommy is right here". sometimes it's "you look pretty today mommy" (mind you, i might still be in jammies, or sweaty from a workout!)

recently, and it may have something to do with mom-mom leaving, she is super clingy. she keeps saying "just one baby" and "put baby james here" (here being wherever he can go that is safe.... excersaucer, on a blanket...)

the video is her reading her favorite book "fifteen animals" after a song by the same name, all by sandra boynton. she is obsessed with this book/song. she knows it by heart, and turns the pages at the appropriate time. she communicates so well, and it so often surprises people that she's only two.

jamey, however, is saying "dadada". it's so cute! i will work on getting a video of it. and he's doing really well with his casts. i just feel bad because he seems to so overheat in the sun. but, still an angel! i love the way his body wiggles when he gets excited and sees you. he just smiles. all the time. it's so sweet!

alright, both kids are napping, so i am going to enjoy it!


Unknown said...

I agree, that one where james is watching tv is real scary. Shell, you should be worried. just kidding, but seriously you should be. The one with mom-mom and nora should be mom-moms new facebook prof pic. James will get over the fact that he's not in it. so will i. The one with nora by herself def makes her top ten pics. that is so cute. and the one with dave and the kids where nora is putting his hat on james should be sold to someone just because it is sooooooooo cute. top 5 pics on the blog ever! that's impressive. it would be top 2 if you were in it shell. the judges look for full family photos. other than that i can't believe you didn't tell me james is talking now! well he has always been a talker but that he is saying dada! you have to tell me these things. other than that i love and miss all of you. stay classy.

Michelle said...

finally!! thanks... love your comments... as always! working on a family pic! maybe this weekend... look out for it!

Unknown said...

seriously? nothing new yet? do you honestly think i have anything better to do than look at pics of the kids?