such a smiling happy boy!! jace.... summer...
pictures from the ball....
a ball at our house the other day.... the girls wanted princess dresses, and kayden asked to be a prince! thankfully, i had just the cape for him! they LOVED it...

nora and sadie.... hanging out!

hanging out outside with mr jeff.
hanging out on the floor... while mommy cleaned and nora read stories to jamey
meeting our VERY DEAR friend (jeffrey's dad, and chelsey's hubby). welcome back!
what originally started out as a day in the pool... with the 100* heat. the kids transformed into playing in every room of the house, and all outdoor toys! it was so nice to see it all used and loved! they played hard, and nora slept hard afterwards! it's so fun to see her growing up into this big kid!
also a little heartbreaking. she was the middle kid. there were the older two, closer in age and a little more mature (3 1/2 and 4), and the younger two (14 mo and 18 mo), james (who slept the whole time) and nora. they all played really well, but at times there was this glimpse of her not fitting in. just because of age. the older kids could play pretend better. nora was just content to walk around in her princess dress! (while totally appropriate for her age...)
maybe it was just me being super sensitive. i don't even mean that the kids did it intentionally or were mean at all!! okay, enough on that.
so, last thing for discussion. i. am. a. mom. every so often, that thought just bowls me over. like it has this week. i am the adult, in charge, responsible for the budget, feeding my kids appropriately, making sure they get enough of the right things to eat (for james, that's not too hard yet!!), making sure no one takes them and that they don't run off, that they aren't exposed to things they shouldn't be, but are exposed to the right things. that they laugh enough, feel loved enough, feel safe enough, know that mommy and daddy are MADLY in love with each other, that no one hurts them, that they don't live in a little bubble, that Jesus loves them and why and what He did for them, the abc's, numbers, colors, shapes, how to have fun, how to laugh, love, smile, cry. there isn't time off, there isn't someone coming to pay me at the end of the day and send me home. i am it. (david too... lest we forget!!!) i am in charge. i am the mom. i am the one who kisses boo-boos and fixes things. i am the one they turn to for help, love, guidance, protection. i have to be strong. i have to keep my cool. i have to show them, by example, how to respond. someone said this week that, the things you do in moderation, your kids will do in excess! it's been baffling my mind this week that i am the adult. i feel so young, but at the same time feel so old! too young to be a mom, but realizing that i am not in college anymore.
alright, if you've hung on through that whole conversation... here are a few juicy tidbits from nora!!!
while playing yesterday, she wanted me in jamey's room. i wasn't going in fast enough. she said "mommy, obey. now." (and very emphatically, i might add!!)
a few days ago, while doing something, she told me to "use my nice words" (meaning please and thank-you).
last night, my girls came over (hence the boys outside with kids!!!). nora walked into the room and said "hi everybody". after chatting everyone up, she turned her head bashfully to me and said "i'm being shy". umm... no??
alright, you got a long one today, because my kids haven't decided to be on the same schedule. nora is still sleeping, but james has been up for an hour. yesterday, it was the opposite. why can't they be on the same schedule?? (at least we have naps down!!) and james is playing contentedly while i pour out my heart to a computer! thanks for "listening".