22 January 2010

a rainbow

sadie doing some easy reading!!!

my sweet boy this morning!!

the kids watching a movie yesterday... love them!

do you ever have those awesome moments with awesome people? i had one of those today. a friend stopped by and it was the NICEST visit! thanks God! i needed that.

earlier today, i had to stop by and get something looked at on my car. it has been a wicked week here. i have seen more flashes of lightening in five minutes that i have in the six years i have lived here. so much rain. and cloudy. and windy. (actually, they are saying the snow should be really low, so i am excited to see the clouds lift and see where the snow ends up!!)

and, just heard thunder. think i have heard thunder twice since moving to california!!! awesome! anyway, i digress... driving and saw the BIGGEST rainbow i have ever seen. it was so incredibly WIDE! not super long, just wide. and hung around for awhile!!

now, for one reason or another, i am on my fourth time reading through genesis this year. and nora loves noah's ark. so all of that is fresh on my mind. it was so nice to be reminded with the rainbow of how much God loves us and promises to never flood the earth again (even though it feels like it this week!!). i couldn't help but smile and be amazed at what an awesome God i serve and love. He can make the wind blow at 90 miles an hour and give me a rainbow. AWESOME!

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