04 January 2010

more resolutions...

okay, so i decided that i should write about the rest of my resolutions. i have gotten out of the habit of making them (mostly so i don't feel guilty when i don't succeed...). but this year, i thought i would try something new! so, here goes!!!
1. read through the Bible in one year (meaning about four chapters a day... easy enough!)
2. floss every day (again, should be doing this... i get the lecture every visit!)
3. continue running 3 days a week, and do strengthening and core at least 2 other days
4. blog every day (already said that one)

i think there were more. i will keep thinking about it. but there you go! so far, so good...

i just got my christmas decorations down and put away. why is it, every year, after i put them away, i find one rogue decoration/ornament/thing? arrrgghhh!! but it feels good to have them put away. nora kept saying "are you putting my tree away???" actually, when she saw me taking the one out of her room, she got demanding and said "no, put it back".

it was weird to be putting some of those decorations away. i have done the same thing for about eight years with some of those decorations. weird how my life has changed over the course of those decorations. i think i posted before, but nora has my christmas tree from college in her room. i have this snowglobe from our years in nyc for the macy's day parade. it even has the world trade centers on it (that's how old it is!!). my tree and most of the ornaments are from my first christmas out here. my family came out and we enjoyed a southern california christmas at p and p's. ask me the story... i'll tell you sometime!

nora is currently sitting next to me, clapping when james does anything. it's quite cute!! we have had an AWESOME day! she got up around 6:45 and snuggled with me until 7:20. we just laid in bed, drawing on her new sketchy and reading. i LOVED it!!! then, we all ate breakfast. we played outside for a bit, and james went down for a nap. i used our new apple tv to watch youtube on tv for nora. i put away decorations and we all ate lunch. james ate a TON, and let me use the spoon!! what a sweet baby!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Just wanted to let you know that I love your New Year's resolution and so many people get to benefit from it! Is my resolution allowed to be that I will check and read your blog daily? I love you mwah!