02 January 2010

christmas continues...

seriously, i LOVE him! and, the browns sweatshirt fits him.

my little ham in the shower! (i think this picture covers the parts it should... please don't report me. it's just too cute!!!)

so, we got home last night and are getting settled back in. we got our two weeks worth of mail today, so christmas continued at our house. nora got more princesses!! (thanks aunt debbie) she has gone NUTS over them! she lined up all eight and put them to bed today. i have unpacked the kids, and subsequently moved their clothes up (took out the ones that don't fit, moved up the ones that should fit soon...)

james is eating while nora is drawing on her sketchy. james has decided he doesn't like a spoon. awesome. don't mind it, except that i spent TWO DAYS before we left pureeing food and getting it all ready for him. does anyone see anything wrong with giving the boy his mushy food to eat by hand? (except that i might have to do 2-3 baths a day??) but, i have a dog to at least deal with the mess on the floor...

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