08 January 2010

4 miles...

james... enjoying sitting in the whale

nora driving her car

daddy and jamey

a first... my two kids on a slide together!!!

so, on monday night, we ran 4 miles without stopping. i remember our first "long" run, of 4 miles. i had been sick, and we thought we were going to die. and we couldn't even do 2.4 miles without walking a chunk of it. this week, we did 4 miles, 2 miles and 4.4 miles... and we haven't even gotten to our long run!!! so fun!!!

kindle... the online/computerized book thing... i am going to miss books. don't get me wrong, i am usually all for technology, and i get that it's more green, and space saving. but still, i am going to miss books!!! sad! the end... not sure why i thought of that today, but i did!

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