21 November 2014

oh my...

Photo cred:  CMH Design

Oh my- remember when I lived in hawaii.  when our hands weren't chapped.  when our toes didn't freeze?  when i just had to make sure my kids had some type of shoe/sandal for their feet?  when i didn't have to fight them over the numerous layers they had to wear just to get out the door???

i am missing hawaii today.  as i rubbed lotion on jamey's cracking, red hands this morning (to his chagrin!), he asked why this happened.  i told him it was because we didn't live in hawaii anymore.  he said he wanted to go back there!  sweet boy.  we all do!

and chris, sweet chris.  i don't know if i have mentioned, but about a month ago, i found a tick on his head as i was tucking him in for nap.  it was full and plump.  engorged is the word they use.  and we pulled it off.  and took it in to get tested, because we live in new england now.  and, it had lyme disease.  

so, now we wait.  his preliminary blood work came back negative.  but we will repeat it in six weeks. but, everything that happens makes me question- is it because he's... or because he's got lyme?

like today, when he started puking.  is it because he's got the flu?  (gosh, i have never prayed so hard for someone else in our family to start puking, just so i would be convinced it's the flu!!!)

or when he's extra cranky and throwing tantrums.  is it cause he's 2 1/2?  or lyme?

and that's when i usually start praying.  and trusting God.  i know that he could still have lyme, but God knew that first!  

so, i am off to put more lotion on my dry, cracked, freezing cold hands.  please, i know it's going to get worse before spring.  just don't tell me today!  

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