02 November 2014

a weekend...

playing "just dance" last weekend.  i was honored that the girls asked me to join!

more playing wii...  c tried to play along!
(the other boys were played next door!)

hanging out at the park!

flying his plane!!  there's this park we went to when we first moved here.  c has been asking, EVERY. TIME. WE. PASS IT. to go back there.  so, we went last saturday.  it was so much fun!!  freeze tag.  balance beam contests.  sunsets!

flying with my boy!

my pretty girl at church!

twirling!!!  she's getting so grown up.  but i love when she still is little and girly!

out on a walk with the whole gang!  we were up in boston!

this kid.  and his cheese!

friends!  i love them...

what a weekend.  i saw my first few white flakes today.  yuck.  it's been wicked cold, with gale force like winds.  and rain.  a good weekend for chicken soup and apple cider.  and snuggling!  oh, and a chick fil a and movie night with my man!!!

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