13 January 2013

thoughts on a new year...

so, it's 2013.  and two weeks in to it.  and i had a plan.  a good one.  and david has been on vacation for the last two weeks.  so, i have been on vacation with him!  and, as with all good things, it must come to an end.  so, it's time for everyone to get back to work!!!

last year, i discussed my word of the year.  being intentional.  several of the blogs i read do a word of the year rather than resolutions.  i like it.  it's a good idea for me.  it's more broad, which i love.  and less measurable.  i mean, how many times can you resolve to lose 5 pounds, work out more, etc, etc, before it means nothing.  or i feel like a failure for trying and failing again.

this year, i want to be disciplined.  i know, that kind of encompasses all resolutions.  but, i am sometimes known for not following through.  or having great ideas and letting them fall to the wayside. or it being 5 pm and trying to figure out what's for dinner.

last year, i lost 20 pounds and 11 inches in bootcamp.  i have some more weight i want to lose, but that's more about the kitchen.  i need to be a little more disciplined in the kitchen.

and i want to get up before my kids and spend time with God.  (okay, maybe they will be playing in their room quietly, but no distractions for me!)  time reading the Bible and praying.  that is outside of the studies i am in.

speaking of studies, i am currently in two book studies.  i want to do the reading and homework before.

i want to have meals planned out and the supplies on hand.  and experiment a little more.  not just have the same 4 things in rotation!  that will take forethought.  (i tried two new recipes last week and will post about that soon!!!)

i want to be intentional about sewing.  last year, i donated an item to an auction.  and made some things as gifts or for sale.  but nothing big.  i don't think i ended up "making" money last year.  (good for my taxes...  nothing to be taxed on!)  but i want to be intentional about doing craft fairs.  and maybe even getting my stuff in some local stores!  that would be so fun!!

i want to be disciplined about time with my kids.  each of them.  individually.

i also want to be disciplined in my online time.  not just wasting away hours on pinterest or facebook.  both of which have great qualities.  but also can waste so much time.  the same goes for time in front of the tv.  for a long time, i only watched tv either with david or while i was sewing.  i liked that, because the time wasn't just sitting and watching.  it was interacting with someone (could also be a friend), or actually doing something with the tv as background noise.  while david was gone, there were so many nights that i just sat.  (and i think that was totally okay!!!)  but, i want to do more this year!!!

and i want to be disciplined in keeping my house picked up.  (which started tonight... the kids had to pick up before bed...  don't know why i haven't been good at that before, but i haven't been.  it's their toys.  and they have been playing with it!!!)

on that note, i also want to be more disciplined in my parenting.  to do things with purpose.  and do what i say i am going to do, when i say it.  (not be that parent who threatens 100 times before losing it!!)

so, want to visit?  doesn't it sound like a fun house?  rereading it, it sounds like i want to turn into a crazy house!  i really don't.  i just want to have more discipline in my life.  so that i have more time to have fun!!!  hope you enjoyed my plans for this year.  on that note... off to pinterest to figure out meals for the week!!!  (see, it does have benefits!!!)  and, i am doing it while i watch tv with my hubby...  good times...

1 comment:

Lori Thomas said...

I'm ditto-ing everything you said. Thanks for writing it for me!!