22 June 2012

upside down...

playing on the playground at church...


waiting for me to park the car!

silly faces...

who me??


nora told me today, after i said i felt bad about something, to "not be sad, God has a plan and will take care of me".  so sweet!!!  love that girl...

and later, she asked me if i had seen the movie, "pollyanna".  i told her i had.  my mom rented it for me when i was little.  she said, "you mean on the apple tv"?  nope... WAAAAYYYY before that sweet girl.  when we walked uphill both ways in the snow to school.  my poor child won't know what a movie store is!

james has taken to wanting his hair "spiky".  it's the only thing i'll let him do.  i won't let him paint his nails.  or wear make-up.  it's the only "bathroom thing" i do that he can copy!  he needs another boy in this house!!  good thing dd is coming soon!!!

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