07 June 2012

a post isn't a post...

i tend to feel that a post isn't post without pictures.  but, this week, you wouldn't get anything if i waited on pictures.  i also feel like it's cheating how much i take pictures from my phone.  even if my big camera is in my bag.  but, they also say that the only bad picture is the one you didn't take.  so, i take them on my phone.  cause it's easy.  and my husband is deployed.  (not really sure how THAT applies, but... it's my excuse for everything right now!)

actually, if i take pictures on my phone, i can email them directly to him.  and not have to upload them first.  so, he gets lots of pictures that way!!  and, since we have skyped with him twice this week, i am foregoing pictures... (actually i got an extra third Skype!!!)  can i tell you how great it's been?  he's been "helping" me put the kids in bed.  reading to them.  talking to them.  and they love it.  granted it's at 8:30 pm when we get home from vbs and the kids are SUPER overtired and hyped up on whatever sugar they feed them there...  but it's great!

speaking of vbs, that's why i haven't posted recently.  we get home at 8:30, and by the time we are doing talking to daddy... i am tired!  and don't want to go in search of a camera cord.  or even my camera.  or my phone... currently not sure where it is!

since i have KNOWN when i was going to talk to david the last few days, i haven't even worried about my phone.  i went a whole four hours this afternoon without looking at it!  or even having it close to me!!!  it was a freeing feeling!!

it's been a good week.  except for a sore throat that has come back.  not a fan!  but, i changed up the car seat situation.  chris is still in his baby seat, but i took out the base.  now, i have to buckle him in every time, but he goes on the outside.  james is in the middle.  i don't have to reach over, and break my back, to get him in and out.  and the kids like it.  j wanted to be next to n.  it makes me so happy!!  (side note... design flaw... cannot put the carseat in the base in the pilots in the two outside seats...  the front seat person ends up sitting on the dashboard...)

i got stung by something, and there is still a stinger in my toe.  and i can't get it out!  and it itches/hurts and is oozing.  fun times.  yes.  i am a nurse.  yes, i have my tweezers out.

i have had some good times with some friends.  and generally been enjoying life.  including my (overly tired) kids.  they are loving vbs and learning so much.  tonight, i needed a break from the (awesome) vbs cd that's been on repeat.  i had on the country music station.  that song about "toes in the water... it was almost over, and i didn't think the kids were listening. they were busy chatting away.  when, nora goes, "mommy, what's jager"?  (they reference the alcoholic beverage "jager" in it.)  i told her it was a daddy drink and just started laughing.  (a- cause daddy doesn't even like jager.  or any alcohol!  b-cause THAT was what they picked up on in the song.  c-cause they were just so cute!!)

the teachers at vbs keep telling me how great the kids are!  i am so thankful.  even though we go to bed at 9pm and wake up, for a certain 3 year old, at 5:52 am.  every day.  not okay!!  here's hoping for a later morning!!!

christopher has been the sweetest baby.  he's really easy to get to go to bed.  and he's really getting to that fun, interactive stage.  he is grabbing at things.  and playing.  and laughs all the time!  we go back in a few months, when he can really sit up, for his hearing test, but my test says he can hear.  he totally turns to listen when you talk to him.  his brother and sister ADORE him!  he has the sweetest little personality.  and, we switched to cloth diapers.  for some reason, even changing in the middle of the night, it was still wetting the bed, so i do one disposable a day, and cloth the rest of the time.  figured that was better than changing sheets every morning!!

that's all i got for now... i am going to bed.  david is uploading pictures as i type (obviously, on the other side of the world...) for a coming blog post.  he's been having a blast, and actually gotten some down time on this port call.  i am a little jealous!!!

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