17 April 2012

another from david....

Hello and Konichiwa from Sasebo, Japan (2nd time!),
Unfortunately, my computer, on which all my photos are stored, seems
to be on the fritz as far as connecting to the internet, so I am
unable to share any pictures this time.  Hopefully I will be able to
overcome those issues on our next port visit, whenever that may be.
Right now O'Kane is in Sasebo for the 2nd time (we were also here a
week ago), with both visits being quick (less than 2 days).  In
between, we were in the Tsushima Straits, positioned to track the
ill-fated North Korean Taepodong-2 missile/space launch vehicle that
never made it to space.  At least this time the North Korean press
acknowledged that the launch was a failure (their previous two
launches, which also failed to make it to orbit, were proclaimed
overwhelming successes in their press).  Needless to say, the mission
was a bit anticlimactic.  We did have some brief excitement when we
quicly pulled into Pusan, South Korea, to medevac one of our sailors
who had an ovarian cyst (which I am told is quite painful).
Otherwise, it was a lot of hurry up and wait.
Anyway, where we head to from here, I can't say due to OPSEC- you will
just have to wait for future blog updates to see where we have been
and what we are doing.  We are approaching one month into deployment-
only 6 and a half more to go (if we don't get extended, which is
always a possibility).
I would also like to take a moment to thank everyone who made
contributions to my deployment "morale binder," which my wonderful
wife put together for me with a different letter/picture/note every
night.  They have been very uplifting.  I obviously have yet to get to
the bulk of them, but special thanks to my wife for her wonderful
letters about missing me, to Steffers for the 6th anniversary card
(was I supposed to open that last September?), to Taylor for his words
with friends puzzle (I think the best word I could get out of RPENLAV
was "NAVEL" without being able to see the rest of the board), to my
kiddos for their wonderful drawings, and to my mom for her awesome
"goofy poems and pictures to capture the life of David" series.  If I
have left anyone out here, I apologize for the error or I have not yet
gotten to your contributions- after all, I do have 6 and a half months
Again, thank you so much for all the support and love you guys have
sent my way- I will try to oblige with updates that Michelle can post
on the blog about once a week, schedule and connectivity permitting.
I will try to send photos as well whenever possible (if I can solve
this problem with my computer)- hopefully everyone enjoyed the first
set.  Lots of love to everyone and God Bless!

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