13 February 2012

things i like... maybe love!!

i can now make this at home!!!
A-MA-ZING jam that we sampled.  and sampled.  and sampled at the swap meet.  i am SO going back to buy more.  the 'ohelo is super cool.  there is more info here, but it grows in volcano national park and is the food of the nene's.  it's protected, so you can't pick it.  the lady who made the jam told us she only gets to pick it when there is a big enough crop, every few years.  SO GOOD!!

how my sweet boy lines up his cars.  thankfully, i didn't trip and kill myself falling down the stairs, as this time, it was on the landing!

the love my kids have for each other.  c currently is in the middle seat in the car.  the other two are on either side (it's the only way the infant seat fits into the car... bummer about that one!).  the older two FIGHT about who c gets to look at.  i keep telling them NOT to break his neck turning his head so he is looking at one.  and that i have no control who he looks at.  they can't just take turns and have him look every other ride...  

the sweet valentines i get!

all five of us on the couch for family movie night...

everything about this sight...  absolutely everything.  cherishing every moment!!
the little things in life.  a friend had this drying rack, and i copied.  it just makes it so much happier to dry my pumping supplies on the counter.  i am currently pumping like crazy, trying to build a good stash!  

a fun valentines day...  we had breakfast with the kids at school...  both david and i!  it was so much fun.  the kids had great parties at school and we had a fun afternoon.  a great dinner, complete with wine glass for the kids (with water in them... not wine!), and candles on the table.  now, i am sitting on the couch with the love of my life.  wonder what david's up to??  (just kidding!!!)

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