so, it's monday. and david didn't have to work. it was so nice! and SUCH a fun weekend!! i don't know why (except for being almost 40 weeks pregnant) i have NO motivation to update the blog... my mom got here on friday, after the kids and i had a great playdate. we got mom and the kids settled, and david and i left to go to the b fam's house for games and dessert. but, we had to have dinner first. we stopped at a little burger joint i love, and ran into some OTHER friends, who we had been talking about getting together with forever. after a fun dinner with them, we left to go play games with the b fam... something we haven't done since newport. it was SO MUCH FUN!!
saturday, we got up and went to the beach. the beach shot is NOT posed. that's how daddy and his girl were, just chilling out in the water.
sunday was church. we all got home from church, and due to a party next door that kept some of us up until 2am (noise outside the bedroom), and kids waking up at 5:30am, we all crashed. we got up just in time to meet the previous other friends for dinner at a new (to us) restaurant. it was awesome!! there was a sandbox for the kids to play in, great gluten free food for mom and nora, and just a fun time with friends!
today we got up and rain thwarted our plans for the beach. so, we went to the zoo... and i STILL am not having a baby yet! but, it was nice to walk around, and watch david enjoy his kids!! we had dinner tonight with our new pastor and his wife, and it was so nice to get to know them.
we have been playing monopoly nightly, much to david's GREAT enjoyment. (and, let's be honest, my mom's! they are kinda competitive!) i came up with a list of faq's today...
1. yes, i am SO ready to have this baby... a frequently asked question. although, i WANT to say, "no, can i do this for a few more months??"
2. YES, i agree, he IS very low!!!
3. i have, indeed, tried EVERYTHING i can think of to get this baby here...
4. yes, i have been contracting for 18 weeks... nothing is different. in fact, i think i am contracting LESS now that i am full term!
anyway... i am still pregnant and ready for a baby! david has stopped asking christopher to come in the morning, and rather, just begging him to come!!! so are my kids!!!
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