13 January 2012

how is it friday???

more pics... that still aren't showing up for me to comment correctly!!

jamey picked out his outfits this week. the second was his plaid shirt and khaki pants. he looked so cute! and, he LOVES to have hairspray put in his hair! it's so funny. nora won't let me touch her hair with a 10 foot pole!!

the kids enjoy playing with my iPad. they have a few movies and books on there, and have so much fun "reading", etc. it's so cute! and fun to watch them work together.

i am 39 weeks. and 2 cm (tmi for some of you, i know!). david's guess was that i would deliver by today. and my mom flies in today. however, i am STILL under 200 pounds (and may start refusing to step on the scale!!!), can wear my wedding rings 95% of the time, and can reach my toes to do a pedicure! best of my three pregnancies! whoo-hoo!

yesterday the kids really wanted to do the pool. i opted for the beach instead. nora sported her new swimsuit, nordy rack for $8!! and was a FISH in the water. she had her goggles on and was diving to find rocks, etc. she was amazing! jamey will even get in up to his neck. he'll lay and play sometimes. and then, he loves to play on the beach. nora was playing with this little girl in the water, and this other boy came up and just stared at our sand toys. i told him he could play. he was so excited! (then, he wanted to play with both diggers and made his sister/cousin/friend made, so i made him share... )

it's amazing how a nap can change perspective! i am loving my naps, but loving time spent with my kids. two days ago, i had an amazing spurt of energy and didn't need a nap! i cleaned the house, did laundry, organized the fridge and played barbies with nora. it was so much fun! yesterday i went for a big stock up at the grocery store, since my mom is coming and there will be someone in the house to eat the food, even if i am not! my house won't be cleaner than it was this morning! even david has stopped asking christopher to make his appearance in the morning, and now just asking him to come!

again, maybe it's just because i am mildly aware that my life won't be this easy for the foreseeable future (although MUCH more full!!!), i am so enjoying these two kids right now. we went out to dinner the other night, but no reservations were made. after waiting an hour, getting seated at BEDTIME, and then waiting for food, etc, the kids were FANTASTIC! they said "thank-you" without being prompted. sat still and fairly quietly. it was quite impressive!! (okay, even i was impressed with my kids!!) we have had some fun days recently...

last night, i got dinner ready, using up some leftovers, while the kids played after the beach. daddy came home, we had a good dinner, and he took them outside to run and play. all i could think was that song, "and i think to myself. what a wonderful world". it truly is. we live in paradise. i have two (almost three) great kids that i have so much fun with. i married the best man in the world! i love living in this moment!! i couldn't ask for more (except maybe to actually MEET my third child!!!)...

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