i have to figure out blogger... so i can annotate each picture. but for now, here you go! it's christopher's baby story... (warning, the labor and delivery nurse in me may come out in the details... just fyi!)
on thursday morning, i was 40 weeks pregnant. i NEVER thought i would go that far! my mom and i ran a few errands after dropping #1 and 2 off at school. (namely, we got the kids presents from christopher!!) then, i had an appointment. i was 3 cm!! (up from 2 last week...) the midwife and i started talking about options for scheduling an induction. the options were pretty much up to me. this particular midwife was my FAVORITE that i'd seen, and she was on the deck that evening. she offered letting me come in thursday night to deliver, or scheduling any day the next week. at that point, she was thinking she would need to use pitocin, as he was too high to just break my water.
i talked to david, and this week worked better for him, logistically. but, any way really worked for him. so, i thought. and prayed. and cried. and talked. to some wise women! it came to this... i DIDN'T want an induction. and i wanted to avoid significant medical intervention. BUT, i WAS 40 weeks pregnant, and my mom was only here till sunday. and the midwife i loved was on. so, finally, i decided we would go in that night.
after that, there was such peace. and we went to the beach for the afternoon. it was SO MUCH FUN! (i might have enjoyed it knowing that they were my last few hours pregnant!!) i was contracting, and we went for a walk. david walked in and we threw some stuff in the car. (my bags had been packed for WEEKS!) we said good-bye to the kids. and got to the hospital.
they didn't have a room for us yet, which was fine. we went walking for about 3 hours. when we were walking, i was contracting pretty good. and fairly uncomfortably. and thought maybe my water was leaking. (all that to say, i think we might have headed to the hospital that night anyway??) i got settled into a room, got admitted, and the midwife broke my water around 2230. i was 4 cm at that point.
fast forward three hours later... walking, showering, david rubbing my back. i was in pain. and felt about how i could remember feeling when i was about to have james. the midwife checked me at 1:30, and i hadn't changed. AT ALL. so, i got an epidural. when i was done getting it, i still wasn't comfortable. in fact, breathing through the contractions pretty roughly. the midwife checked and i was 7 cm! it was a great feeling!
close to 4am, i was still uncomfortable, and it was about time to push! i tried once, and she got all set up for delivery. two or three more times, and the midwife grabbed david's hands and had him deliver christopher. it was so cool! it was so fun to watch and realize that he was getting to actually deliver our baby! and he was here!
christopher had his cord wrapped around his neck once, and came out a little purple! (as you can see in the pics!!) but, he pinked up right away and he nursed almost right away. he was born at 4:17 am on 20 jan 2012. he was 8 pounds 3.8 ounces, and 19 inches long.
his brother and sister are enamored of him. they can't get enough. when he cries, they have apoplexy... like i am a FAILURE of a mother for letting him cry. they also don't understand why he doesn't want to play with the cars or have his lovey at every possible second. but, they love him! it's so sweet...
we have had several visits by great friends, and a few meals delivered already! christopher is so well loved! we have been sleeping pretty well, and his follow-up visit went well yesterday. today i was TIRED! and slept all day. i am working through returning phone calls and well wishes! bear with me!!
james and nora went to the b fam house today for a play date. it was so fun to have the morning at home. and they had a blast!! we have felt so loved and taken care of. me especially, as my husband has been SUCH a servant! he is incredible!! i am so thankful for him. and that he understands that my body is healing! and that he wants to take such good care of me!!!
I am still not quite sure how at 4 in the morning and after being in labor and delivering that beautiful boy you can look this amazing! This picture of David cutting Christopher's cord you look like you are fully rested and ready for a new day! So perfect! xo
What a beautiful family you two have created, Michelle! congratulations! Love you!
Congrats Mama..that's one sweet baby. Love his cheeks!
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