and so it continues... we had our first real outing today!!! we accompanied james and nora to the splash park! (it worked out well because i had just told david that i NEEDED to get out of the house. so, i made him come to watch the older two while i sat on a park bench!!) christopher slept the whole time and his new friends just loved on him! (plus, he got some sun time.... which he also needed!)
the kids continue to love their brother! and he continues to be as much of a dream as his siblings were. sleeping well, eating well...
nora asked today, "why do you still have such a big, round tummy?". umm... cause it takes awhile to lose it?
and the other day, "how did christopher come out of your tummy?" thankfully my mom was there to field that one. she's the expert after four kids....
and then, when i told david we needed to stop at the store, "mommy, what are pads for?"... ahh, the education my daughter is getting!!!
alright, three kids are sleeping, so i am going to enjoy a night on the couch with my main man!!!
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