EVERY. TIME. he gets on the lion, he says "bye". it's so cute! and waves. like he's going somewhere huge!

she wanted a closeup!

nora just told me her book is amazing. yesterday, another book was sophisticated! great vocabulary, kid.
his favorite place to eat. i love it!
nora just told me her book is amazing. yesterday, another book was sophisticated! great vocabulary, kid.
we were sitting at the little table in the kitchen yesterday for lunch. i had the ipod on, and a song came on. nora remembered hearing that with jeffrey, and told me about it. i told her i remembered listening to that song in the car on the way to the hospital the day she was born. she asked if she could be born again. seeing a teachable moment, i used the opportunity and told her she couldn't be born again from mommy, but she could be born again into Jesus' family. that He died on a cross for her sins so that she could be born again. that mommy and daddy were in that family.
apparently i didn't do a great job, because she then told me she didn't want to be born again. i asked why, and she said "because i want to stay with my mommy".
1 comment:
Nora is totally your mini-me. Adorable! I love it! :)
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