16 November 2010


out for breakfast...

snuggling before school...

ballet.. aren't they cute girls! she stinking LOVES ballet!!!

something i've realized in all this moving and making new friends. it's almost harder than dating! i mean, you meet someone. you think you'll get along. you set up a playdate. you have to come up with things to talk about, find a common ground, see how "compatible" you are. then you leave. sometimes with wishes of doing this again, sometimes with the next set of plans in place, sometimes with a "this was fun".

then, you get together a few times. you develop a friendship. you enjoy the same things. your kids get along well. sometimes, this is where the husbands get to meet. do the husbands mesh? can they be friends?

sometimes, you forget to call, or they don't call. time goes by. you might see each other in passing and say "we should get together again". maybe one of you will make an effort. maybe not. hard to tell.

i was describing this to david last night as we were talking about friends here. when i was talking about how i thought certain people were going to be good friends, he said "so, you're boyfriend/girlfriend now"? there's not a good "define the relationship" phrase for friends. there's not a talk to have (which is so much less pressure). but there is a dance you do when meeting new people. think about it.

then, there are the friends who have seen you at your best and at your worst. they saw you in the hospital when you had your kids. they have seen you try on awful bathing suits. they support you, even when they don't agree with you... and they'll tell you why they don't agree. they call you out on your mistakes, and "have your back". but, like any good relationship, those friendships take time.

speaking of friends... a friend introduced me to a blog, and they are having giveaways this week... thenester.com. i love giveaways!! and one more... www.pure-and-lovely.com fun times!

1 comment:

CNB said...

Totally know what you mean about the friend dance. Praying you find some good ones while you are there!
P.S. And look at your tiny waist!