31 July 2010

nice bunt, alice..

pretty sweet, huh?

i did MUCH better than last time. having my eyes open to shoot is significant progress! i got him right between the eyes and then the heart!

what a wonderful day. it started with my daughter. she woke me up (after going outside, first- she told me later...), with piggy bank in hand and asked for the penny promised for staying in bed. then, a 4 mile run with my girls. lori and i ran together seven years ago! fun to be doing it again. and byssa, my newest running partner. it was a GREAT run! i was really dreading it. my 4 mile long run was TOUGH last time.

come home and had my AWESOME protein shake. then, got the kids settled and the fam and i went shooting. yup... at the range. my family owns a few guns, and i got to practice with them. i even got the feel of some and don't like shooting some (the glock was NOT my favorite). it was fun.

came home and vegged out for a bit, got to ichat with daddy, then a quick trip to the grocery store. (minor downside to the day- we had a MELTDOWN in the store!!!) wonderful dinner, kids in bed, some cornhole and bocci out back, a movie back inside. wonderful!!

1 comment:

LB said...

love it. this is about to be my life too. benjamin loves his guns... oh boy.