david and stef threw me a surprise 30th birthday party. (yes, it was a year early... that was part of the surprise part! he knew that this year, i would have all my good friends around...)
we were planning on going to the melting pot for dinner. we were going to go with stef and shea, and we were supposed to pick them up. we get to their house, and david got out of the car and opened my door. (the opening the door part wasn't weird, he was being super chivalrous! i had gotten into the car too fast, so he wanted to open it. made sense to me!) the weird part was that he was walking up to the door. i was thinking, "seriously, i am just going to get them. just stay in the car. we'll be right back!". then, i started to think about a surprise party. but, really didn't think he was doing it! well, i was wrong. i opened the door to about 25 of my closest friends! i started crying! (totally didn't expect that!!!)
then, as i start to compose myself, stef says, "shell, we have another surprise". chels walked around the corner! i sobbed! good tears! i was overwhelmed! this last week, i have just felt SO BLESSED! and i felt exponentially so last night. chels flew 3000 miles, on FIVE flights with a two year old to get to me! and all the others that were there. it was a WONDERFULLY AWESOME night. what a great man and great friends i have!! i can cry just writing this!!
so, i don't have most of the pictures. (or the video of me crying away) but i'll post those when i get them. here are a few that i managed to capture! i can't even begin to describe how blessed and loved i felt! or surprised!

a pinata... cinderella!!!

lighting my candles! i managed to blow out 25 of them!! not too bad...

the girls even made me a red velvet cake, sans the red!!!! (oh yeah, and fried ice cream!!!)

me, joy and stef. those girls worked so hard to pull it together!!! (and lied so well....) so, just after i got there, these two people came to make street tacos. this little old mexican woman was rolling and making tortillas in stef's backyard, and the man was making the meat and tacos! the food was FABULOUS!!! (and we have a TON leftover! guess what we had for lunch today?????) it was so good. stef made VATS of salsa that's to die for! and guac. and david picked up my favorite white sauce from my favorite mexican restaurant! won't have a party like that in rhode island!!!