this is the after. i will explain the before in a second. we were having basket time (i think i might use this more often. i have vacuumed and swiffered the house, in addition to finishing up laundry, emailing and blogged while they have been in there. james mysteriously got "out", but he is now safely back in. nora has been threatened NOT to take his toys, and subsequently has been filling up HIS basket with all the books she has read!)

i gave in and let her have a blue candy cane today. sucker!
this was our excursion to the mall yesterday. awesome! pulling a brittnay and all!
okay, the before. we are taking a red-eye tonight. i got into bed at 9:30 last night. james woke up at 10pm to eat. then at midnight. then nora woke up at 1. then james again at 2. then nora at 4. then all of us at 7am. it was a fun night! also, they have decided to boycott naps today. i have been trying to clean up the house, finish up laundry and pack. but, they didn't cooperate. HOWEVER... they have been playing really well together recently. nora loves chasing james as he crawls all over the place.
so, i was in the kitchen, putting the last of the dishes in the dishwasher and washing a few. nora was spinning james around in the exersaucer. they were having fun. so, i finished what i was doing and went in to the family room. james looked a little green.
i should interject here (not that you don't know where this story is headed) and mention that jamey has been eating new foods recently, and for lunch, we added chicken!
i picked up jamey and not ten seconds later was covered in his latest meal. not fun. poor guy has developed his mother's sense of motion sickness!!! or was just spun one too many times!! at least he is back to his normal self now.
okay, natives getting restless in their baskets and laundry is done!!
merry christmas to all and to all a goodnight!
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