trying so hard to climb the step!! SO HARD!
james and will. they are about two months apart, and only a few pounds different. (i have a picture of will from june. he decided he couldn't wait till his real birthday to be born. i got to visit him in the hospital. it was SO FUN to have the boys playing together today!!!)

james found a ping pong ball today. he LOVED putting it in his mouth. when i told him to take it out, he did! it was cute!

pop-pop got to play with baby will for awhile!
jamey-boy likes to slide down in the high chair!!
loving his pop-pop.
i am not a runner. let me repeat that. i am not a runner. so why, you might ask, was i out running, in 29* weather, snowing, and for 8.5 miles? you tell me. but, i am not a runner. (however, my time was AWESOME!!!)

nora was beyond excited about the penguins. it was so cute!!!
the life. i am at lt's house, drinking an adult beverage, enjoying puppy chow, and watching up. okay, so aside from the adult beverage, it could be a kiddie play date. but, we are having a blast! it's so much fun. free babysitting, called mom-mom and pop-pop. good friends. good times.
for some reason, memories have really struck me this time home. it's been weird. i missed my 10 year high school reunion over thanksgiving. it's amazing how fast time flies. how has it been 10 years? it is so fun to be home for christmas! home. it feels good. the crunch of snow, the warmth of the fire, the family...
I want to be there!! LOVE you all!
we want you here... it's so much more fun!!
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