17 December 2009

the mall.

i decided i needed to get a few things. so, i told nora we were going to go to the store. she said "the mall?? i want to go to the mall!" so, to the mall we went. no pictures, but we did ride the up and downs. all three of us! (and i didn't get motion sick!) i did decide that when trying on articles of clothing that requires you to remove certain articles of clothing in front of your breastfeeding child, it's better to NOT have him in the room with you! oh, victoria's secret was SO fun with two babies!!!

and, i am the sucker that sees the "buy so much, get this free". i was SO close to the so much amount... i got suckered into the free thing! at least i know i am being suckered, right?

1 comment:

CNB said...

love it! so, what did you get?