23 October 2014


my sleepy, sick boy.

my cozy boy

my sick girl... watching "anne of green gables" with me!

my boy and my daddy.

blue eyes!  and the only boy awake when pop-pop got here!

his new ride!

another new ride!

sleepy baby...

i let him fall asleep twice today. it was so fun to just rock him!!!

so, i LOVE to blog.  i love the memories it holds for me.  i love sharing my life with the three of you that read it!  i also hope that some day my kids might read it and enjoy it.  i have been following a blogger, kara, and she has cancer.  she was sharing the videos that she is making for her kids.  i hope my kids look at this the same!

life is busy.  i keep waiting for it to slow down.  and it hasn't yet.  i think it just might not.  but the kids are in swimming (j) and gymnastics (n).  they are both doing really well at it and it's fun to watch!


Kristin said...

So who are the other 2 that read it besides me??

Kristin said...
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