02 March 2014

catching up...

playing at the beach with my boy.

when he sees my phone out, he knows it's picture time.  
so, he goes to an appropriate distance to take a "cheese".  

loving this boy.  and he loves watching the airplanes!

my little valentine.
i have been soaking up all the time with him recently, knowing that these moments we won't have again!  he's growing up so fast… and is such a sweet, good boy.  i have people DAILY tell me how much they LOVE his sweet little personality!  

nora's valentine journal entry!

my three valentines!  aren't they cute.  

(side note- best of the pics i tried to get!!)

all snuggled up.  i love when they have fun together!

reading devotions to his "guys".  he routinely sets them up in various places throughout the house and reads his little Bible to them.  it's so cute!!

we haven't had a lot of time with daddy recently.  and i think daddy is feeling it the most!  his work schedule has been crazy since he went back to work on the 14th.  the first week, he worked till 9pm every night.  last week was about 6:30.  he was supposed to be gone all weekend, but thanks to high surf advisories, he got to come back yesterday at lunch!  (we may not get snow days, but i'll take any extra time with him i can get!)

the time we have all been home, it's been so fun.  i have been trying to stay on top of things around the house, knowing at any point, someone will walk in to take over for me for a few days.  i would feel better if it weren't so messy!  add that to a move in a few months, and i have been nesting like crazy!  the play room has gotten cleaned and organized, as have the kids' rooms.  also, under the sink and our "harry potter" closet, under the stairs.  it makes it all seem so much more manageable!

and, i can control it.  this is where my control issues come out!  i can't control david leaving, or the crazy schedule.  i can't control all the details of the move- when we move, our dates of packing out, our new house on the other side.  i can't control WHEN this new baby decides to come.  but, i am TRYING (and not always succeeding) to control the things i can.  which isn't always a good thing.   (a clean house is, however!!)

i firmly believe God has a plan.  and it will work out for HIS glory.  and in HIS time.  it might not be mine.  and it might not be what works best for me, in my mind.  but, He continues to prove that HIS plan is so far better than mine!  and i am trusting in that.  and that He has given me so many good friends here to help take care of me.  DAILY, someone new offers to help if i need it.  

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